이야기 I/annual report2013. 5. 14. 17:37



As a new creative partner for Hyundai Steel, Talantone created a graphic motif to highlight the three facets of the company’s success – its business, products and sustainability. With each achievement presented as a triangle, when they combine, they form a pyramid which symbolizes the pinnacle of Hyundai Steel’s success. We also introduced a rich color palette to visualize the dynamic and bright future ahead of Hyundai Steel. To view the full report, please click here.

Posted by 연나
이야기 I/annual report2013. 5. 10. 12:32



Kia Motors has chosen the Talantone Team for many years to create its annual reports, including its 2012 Annual Report. This year, we focused on Kia Motors’ new brand identity (BI), ‘A Different Beat’. We also made good use of the three key words of the new BI – Vibrant, Distinctive, and Reliable – in order to illustrate Kia Motor’s vibrant growth, distinctive creativity and reliable move toward sustainable mobility. Kia’s unique corporate look, such as its iconic red color and distinctive product images, also played a pivotal role conveying Kia Motors’ dynamic corporate identity.


To view the full report, please click here.


Posted by 연나
이야기 I/annual report2013. 5. 9. 17:37


Talantone Creative Group worked for Korea Eximbank to create its distinctive 2012 Annual Report. In particular, for image narration, we cleverly and harmoniously used images as a background, with silhouetted images highlighting the Bank’s major achievements. This had the effect of showcasing the Bank’s efforts to adapt in the time of uncertainties in order to grow alongside its customers and Korea’s economy.


To view the full report, please click here.

Posted by 연나
이야기 I/annual report2012. 11. 1. 17:36


Meritz Financial Group has been at the forefront of Korea’s financial industry, recording many “firsts”, from the establishment of Korea’s first national capital-based insurance company in 1922 to the launch of Korea’s first insurance financial holding company in 2011.


For its first annual report, Meritz partnered with Talantone Creative Group, and we contributed to helping them achieve another first. To introduce the newly established holding company to its stakeholders, we entitled the report “Hello Meritz”, and created three key concepts, “One Meritz”, “Smart Meritz”, and “Merry Meritz,” to introduce the Group, its business, and its sustainable management, respectively. Published both in Korean and English, the report has been well received at home and abroad.


To view the full report, please visit Meritz Financial Group's Website.

Posted by 연나
이야기 I/annual report2012. 10. 31. 14:14


Talantone Creative Group has been selected as the creative partner to help DSEM create its Annual Report as well as its Environmental & Social Report for the second consecutive year. For the annual report, we highlighted DSME’s remarkable achievements while we featured the company’s drive toward sustainability in the Environmental & Social Report. We used a variety form of design concepts, including photography, illustration and infography.


The longer we work for each of our clients, the better we understand their business, thereby generating a win-win relationship for all parties.

Posted by 연나
이야기 I/annual report2012. 7. 10. 11:25

대한항공 2011 애뉴얼리포트가 2011 LACP Vision Awards에서 대상을 수상하였습니다. Top 100에서 30위를 했고, AP 지역에서는 5등을 했고, Korea's Top 25에도 들었고... 뭔가 감투가 엄청 많습니다. ㅎㅎㅎ 2003년 보스톤에서 디자이너로 일할 당시 LACP의 또다른 항목인 Spotlight Awards에서 Top 100 중 7위를 한 이후 두번째로 큰 성과입니다. 그 당시에는 그게 그렇게 큰 상인줄도 모르고, 다들 축하해 주길래 그냥 ^_____________^ 이러고 있었던 기억이 납니다.


어쨌거나 올해도 완전 큰 상을 받게 되어 완전 기분 좋구요... 믿고 맡겨 주신 고객사들, 힘든 일정을 잘 소화해 준 우리 팀원들과 파트너사들에게 너무 감사 드립니다. 아.. 그리고 기왕 자랑 한 김에... 제일모직 Corporate Report와 한국수출입은행, KDB금융그룹의 Annual Report가 금상을 받았으며, 기아차는 은상, 대신증권과 한국정책금융공사는 동상을 받았습니다. ^^V


관련해서 Press Relase는 아래를 참조해 주세요.





대한항공 2011 연차보고서
2011 LACP Vision Awards 대상 수상
디자인: 탈란톤 크리에이티브그룹 (대표: 박연희)



대한항공 2011 연차보고서(Annual Report)가 ‘2011 LACP Vision Awards’에서 항공∙방위산업(Aerospace & Defense) 부문 대상을 수상하였습니다. 뿐만 아니라 ‘세계를 선도하는 100대 기업’(Top 100 Worldwide Winners) 부문에서 30위를 기록하였습니다. 국내 회사는 총 2개 사만이 100위 진입에 성공하였고, 이 중 대한항공 연차보고서가 최고의 성과를 올렸습니다.


‘Excellence in Dream Flight’라는 타이틀을 중심으로 대한항공의 우수함과 지속성을 차별화하여 구현한 본 연차보고서는 표지 디자인, 최고 경영자 메시지, 내용 구성, 재무, 디자인의 창의성, 정보전달의 명확성 및 정보접근의 용이성 등 7개 부문에서 만점을 받으며 좋은 결과를 이끌어 내었습니다.


LACP Vision Awards는 세계 최고 권위의 마케팅 조사기관 LACP가 주관하는 저명한 연차보고서 및 지속가능경영보고서 경연대회입니다. 금년에는 역대 최대 규모인 24개국 5,500여개 업체가 참여하였으며, 탈란톤은 대한항공 외에도 제일모직의 Corporate Repot 및 한국수출입은행, KDB금융그룹의 Annual Report 금상 수상, 기아자동차 은상 수상, 대신증권과 한국정책금융공사 동상 수상 등의 성과를 기록하였습니다. 



관련 링크

LACP Vision Awards 공식 사이트 중 Top 100 Wordl Wide Winners

LACP Vision Awards 공식 사이트 중 대한항공 페이지

탈란톤 홈페이지 관련 뉴스

Posted by 연나
이야기 I/annual report2012. 7. 5. 10:52


For many years, Cheil Industries has chosen the Talantone team to create its corporate reports which have broken away with the standard formal format of annual reports to openly discuss the company’s sustainable future and vision. For the 2011 Corporate Report, we tried a more unconventional format to convey this year’s theme of “Unconventional Challenges”. We define unconventional challenge as the factor that makes Cheil Industries stronger even in these times of great uncertainty. And by using dynamic graphic elements, including imagery of its stakeholders, employees and products, we strived to powerfully visualize what Cheil Industries has done in the past, and how they responded to crisis by boldly adopting changes. Produced in a hard cover format, Cheil Industries 2011 Corporate Report is available both in Korean and English.


To view the full report, please click here.

Posted by 연나
이야기 I/annual report2012. 7. 5. 10:48


In 2011, Korea Air delivered positive business results in spite of the continued global economic issues, while also actively investing in its fleet and introducing the Airbus A380 – a jetliner that will put the elegance and excitement back in flying. To illustrate Korean Air’s journey forward, Talantone Creative Group used interior and exterior images of the A380, an aircraft that truly symbolizes Excellence in Flight. We also made use of QR codes by designing unique codes for Korean Air’s main website as well as a micro site for the A380.

Posted by 연나
이야기 I/annual report2012. 7. 5. 10:37



KDB Financial Group, a leading financial holding company in Korea, partnered with Talantone Creative Group to convey their unique pioneering spirit in their new 2011 Annual Report. The cover contains “After the Rain”, an artwork by Chun Kyung Ja, the renowned Korean artist who is well known for her creativity and innovation that extends beyond the conventional style of Oriental paintings. The imagery represents KDB Financial Group’s pioneering spirit, upon which the Group will establish its goal of becoming the ‘Pioneer Financial Group of Asia.’ We also made use of dynamic photographs of KDB employees to illustrate how the Group does its utmost to create a better future, overcoming the current turbulent times and growing in partnership with all of its stakeholders.


Posted by 연나
이야기 I/annual report2012. 7. 5. 10:34


Korea Finance Corporation (KoFC) marked its second anniversary in 2011. KoFC partnered with Talantone Creative Group to demonstrate how they are continuously expanding their endeavors to strengthen and build the Korea economy, powered by market-friendly financial schemes. We created a simple but strong look and feel to show their firm commitment and drive for sustainable growth. To conserve resources and limit the environmental impact, the printed report was printed on FSC-certified paper, and rather than printing 150 pages of financial statements and notes, we attached a mini CD-ROM to the inside back cover of the printed report.


Posted by 연나